About This Episode

Season 2. Episode 10.

This past month the Toward A Shared Vision education summit was held at the Riverside Convention center. It was aimed at bringing education leaders from Inland Southern California together to collaborate and in many cases to put those who come from different colleges and universities or K-12 in the same room to learn how others might be doing the very same job with different results.

So the Education Insight team set up a recording booth at the two-day event and we pulled a number of local and state leaders in to find out what the shared vision really is and what they agree is good in the Inland Empire as well as what they say needs to be done locally in our schools and colleges.

Featured Guests

Dr. Wolde-Ab Isaac

Chancellor, Riverside Community College District

Alicia Velasquez

Executive Director, Center of Educational and Community Outreach Programs, UCR

Kim Wilcox
Chancellor, University of California, Riverside
Dalyn Montgomery

Director of Enrollment, School of Education, University of Redlands

Andrew (Drew) Koch

Chief Executive Officer, Gardner Institute

Wayne Fletcher

Associate Provost for Academic Services, Cal Baptist University

Laura Hamilton

Professor and Chair of Sociology, University of California, Merced

Dr. Brian Haynes

Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, UC Riverside

Interview Highlights

1:18 – Dr. Wolde-Ab Isaac shares what important information high-level educators would learn at the Toward A Shared Vision Summit.

6:30 – Alicia Velasquez describes UCR’s education outreach efforts and how it helps our students.

13:38 – Kim Wilcox shares what he sees as a shared vision by educators in the Inland Empire right now.

15:50 – Dalyn Montgomery explains what the biggest struggle is to local colleges and universities right now.

20:37 – Drew Koch rates the Inland Empire’s performance when it comes to helping students make it through the whole process.

32:01 – Wayne Fletcher shares what he’s learned at the conference that he can take back and apply to improve Cal Baptist University.

37:33 – Dr. Laura Hamilton shares a message to Inland Empire educators.

39:43 – Dr. Laura Hamilton shares what she is most concerned about right now.

43:23 – Dr. Brian Haynes explains the recent grant his team was recently awarded.

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Education Insight tells the story of education in the Inland Empire through the diverse voices of those in and around the regional education community. The show is produced by Growing Inland Achievement, a collective impact organization in the Inland Empire with a mission to increase economic prosperity in the region by increasing educational attainment. Hosted by 30-year broadcast veteran Lacey Kendall, monthly shows explore topics ranging from education challenges and shortcomings to innovations and groundbreaking ideas that are driving student success.

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