Growing Inland Achievement recently launched a new public Tableau dashboard designed to help users explore community college degree and certificate completion patterns across the region. The dashboard draws from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), a primary source for public information on U.S. colleges, universities, and technical and vocational institutions.

The Tableau tool was officially launched during GIA’s recent Inland Empire/Desert Guided Pathways Summit in a workshop session titled Designing with the End in Mind: Building equitable guided pathways to living wage jobs in the Inland Empire, co-presented with Rachel Antrobus from WestEd. A video recording of the session, which includes an introduction to the dashboard, is available to watch below.

“We hope the new dashboard will assist our regional community colleges to identify patterns of degree completion that could be of interest or concern. Is representation across different areas of study proportionate among student subgroups? Are some students underrepresented in higher opportunity programs? For instance, are Black students underrepresented in areas of study that are more likely to lead to better paying occupations or educational pathways?” said Dr. Sorrel Stielstra, Director of Research at GIA. “Along with other resources, such as those provided by WestEd, this tool is ultimately intended to help colleges connect students to equitable pathways to further education and living wage jobs.” 

For questions about using the Tableau dashboard, reach out to Sorrel Stielstra at [email protected].

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