As you know, each day brings new developments regarding COVID-19 and its impact on everyone in the Inland Empire, including our students, educators, employers, and their families. We are thinking of you during this challenging time and want to assure you that Growing Inland Achievement remains committed to our mission and service to the region. The GIA team and our network of partners have been working collaboratively on response measures including emergency relief funding for those who need it most, and the development of a regional information website. Please read more about those efforts below.

As a community, we have faced challenges before with courage, innovation, and resiliency, and we will again as we face COVID-19. Wherever this correspondence may find you, know that the GIA team is wishing you good health and safekeeping of your family and loved ones.

VIRTUAL WORK NOTICE: All GIA staff are working remotely and have curtailed non-essential travel. We took this action to protect our team, and as a matter of public health, to slow the spread of the disease. We are closely monitoring the guidance offered by the CDC and local health officials. If it becomes clear that we can safely resume in-person meetings and interactions, we will do so.  Read more

Emergency Funding

Emergency funding for programs providing critical support to students during the global pandemic

To help student support organizations in our region with immediate financial needs, GIA awarded $255,000 in emergency assistance.


Student Information & Resources

In collaboration with our educational and nonprofit partners throughout the region, GIA launched a website (iestudents.org) that contains helpful information and resources to support Inland Empire students transitioning to college.

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