Grant funding will allow colleges to act on student feedback and recommendations for improvements.

Growing Inland Achievement (GIA) is pleased to announce that ECMC Foundation has awarded a $375,000 grant to support Inland Empire community colleges. The grant will allow community colleges to build on their work with Guided Pathways to create student-ready college systems by focusing on institutional commitments to elevating and acting on student voice, including student recommended changes that emerged from the regionwide Student Voice Project.

In addition, grant funding will support the development of regionwide Communities of Practice, where college representatives in student services, technology, and other areas, will meet to share knowledge gained from student feedback and review the impact of changes as they are implemented at campus sites.

Students are the best source of feedback for institutions as they seek to improve systems that will support equitable student outcomes. We are thankful to ECMC Foundation for recognizing the positive impact this will have at our Inland Empire colleges and trusting GIA with coordinating this work.

Dr. Carlos Ayala

President & CEO, Growing Inland Achievement

ECMC’s mission is to inspire and facilitate improvements that affect educational outcomes—especially among underserved populations—through evidence-based innovation. It is one of several affiliates under the ECMC Group enterprise based in Minneapolis. ECMC Foundation makes investments in two focus areas: College Success and Career Readiness; and uses a spectrum of funding structures, including strategic grantmaking and program-related investments, to invest in both nonprofit and for-profit ventures. Working with grantees, partners and peers, ECMC Foundation’s vision is for all learners to unlock their fullest potential. Learn more about ECMC Foundation by visiting and ECMC Group by visiting

For more information about the implementation of grant funding please direct inquiries to Michael Wangler, Director of Institutional Support at GIA – [email protected].

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