The California Department of Education (CDE) recently released a request for applications for their College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) grant and Middle College Early College (MCEC) grant.

This funding promises to expand equitable dual enrollment statewide, in keeping with the original intent of CCAP legislation to increase postsecondary attainment among students from groups underrepresented in higher education or who might not consider themselves as college-going. Applicants receiving priority consideration have student populations with higher than average rates of suspension/expulsion or dropping out; higher than average percentages of homeless, foster or justice-involved youth; or a lower than average A-G completion rate.

School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools are eligible to apply. The maximum award amount for MCEC grants is $250,000, and the maximum for CCAP grants is $100,000 per high school site. Districts can apply for multiple high schools, but would need to submit separate CCAP grant applications for each site. For both grant programs, applicants need to supply evidence of an existing or planned partnership with a postsecondary institution for the creation of a dual enrollment program.

For more information, read Career Ladders Project’s synopsis here.

Applications are due by March 30, 2023.

Takeoff: Institutional Innovations for College Men of Color, a project funded by ECMC Foundation and led by the USC Race and Equity Center, invites community colleges nationwide to submit proposals for one of twelve funding and support opportunities. 

Through this partnership, the USC Race and Equity Center will subgrant and provide technical support to colleges leading innovations that advance postsecondary outcomes for men of color.

Each participating college will receive $75,000 to fund their existing or aspiring efforts to support men of color over the course of two academic years.

To read the full RFP, including eligibility requirements, selection criteria and application instructions to learn more, visit

This project is made possible by the support from ECMC Foundation and is a part of their broader $20 million commitment to transform the higher education experiences for Black, Latinx, Southeast Asian and Native American men. ECMC Foundation’s Men of Color Initiative aims to increase degree attainment.

Applications are due by April 10, 2023 by 11:59 PM PST.

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