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Past Events from July 16, 2020 – July 17, 2020 – Page 20 – Growing Inland Achievement

The Remote Research Enterprise, Session 2

In the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak, universities have quickly shifted their classes online. But opening up research labs, and ongoing scientific experiments to remote possibilities is a much harder task. In the final installment of the two-part Remote Research Enterprise virtual forum series, which explores how institutions are assessing and planning for research continuity […]

Census Stakeholder Convenings

The Census IE coalition has remained committed to ensuring that the Inland Empire gets counted this 2020 Census amidst COVID-19. As a regional coordinator, the Center for Community and Environmental Justice alongside Riverside Metro Region Census partners, invite YOU to learn about the census and how you can virtually volunteer in final regional census activities. […]

TLC Kick-Off Week

Other than health and safety issues, the only thing we can be certain of is that we will have 4 basic needs that will directly affect our ability to provide a true, right and just education to every student: • We will have less time with students than before, so we need to know how […]

New Realities for Higher Education

How can California’s higher education systems address the challenges facing the state in the wake of COVID-19 and amid persistent concerns about racial inequality? Join the Public Policy Institute of California for a wide-ranging conversation with the leaders of California’s public institutions: Janet Napolitano, president, University of California; Eloy Ortiz Oakley, chancellor, California Community Colleges; […]

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