Next Steps for Digital Course Materials: Cost & Workflow Optimization

​Digital learning isn’t new. Many higher ed organizations have already invested in the tools and education needed for digital learning, but with the recent pandemic, the question became: what should they do next? This webinar is geared for those forward-thinking universities who want to optimize their digital learning, build on their organization’s investment, and best […]

Sustaining the Business Model: Public Colleges

The financial impact of Covid-19 on colleges and universities nationwide is unprecedented, yet the damage and possible recovery strategies vary widely. Depending on their respective business models, revenue streams, and student populations, different institutions face divergent futures. Public institutions are in particular financial straits. As leaders of public colleges and universities seek new strategies to […]

A Conversation with Nikole Hannah-Jones: The Intersection of Race and Public Education

The Partnership for Los Angeles Schools invites you to a webinar featuring Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones in conversation with Partnership educators about the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and 400+ years of anti-Black racism and oppression. Moderated by the Partnership’s Chief External Officer, Ryan Smith, this webinar will explore the intersection of racial justice with […]

CJUSD Community Cabinet COVID-19 Update

Colton Joint Unified School District is hosting a very special virtual Community Cabinet meeting focused on COVID-19 and its effect on the community.

Creating Effective, Equitable Assessments for Online Courses

Online education poses unique challenges for assessment. Traditional methods, like testing, are not always reliable, while differing access to technology at home raises concerns about equity. How can professors ensure that their students are not only learning effectively at home, but that their coursework is fair for all students? To find out, The Chronicle has […]

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