Chat Transcript

00:14:38 Kimberly McNulty: Kim McNulty, OneFuture Coachella Valley – great to see everyone!
00:14:40 Hend Gilli-Elewy: Greetings from Cal Poly Pomona. Also joining from my car. Sorry.
00:15:01 Dean Gerstein: Dean Gerstein, at Pomona College. Our president was a member of the Recovery with Equity Task Force and asked me to see what role we might play in the collaboratives,
00:15:55 Jackie Melendez: Slides from today’s webinar: file:///Users/jackiemelendez/Downloads/K16%20February%20Webinar%20Slide%20Deck%20WITH%20DESIGN%2002%2024%2022%20ADA%20v2.pdf
00:15:58 Jake Poore: Here’s a link to the PPT slides from this morning –
00:17:15 Beth Higbee: Hi Dean,
00:18:40 Dean Gerstein: Thank you, Beth.
00:18:56 Ann Marie Sakrekoff:
00:21:02 carlos ayala: What is CERF?
00:21:29 Karen Suarez: Community Economic Resilience Fund, its another grant program
00:22:01 Karen Suarez:
00:22:09 carlos ayala: Thanks Karen.
00:22:10 Rose Gonzalez: Can only one K12 district from the IE participate in the grant?
00:22:36 carlos ayala: At least one K-12 district.
00:22:37 Jake Poore: Multiple districts are encouraged. Minimum of one required.
00:22:37 Jackie Melendez: Similar to K-16 we are waiting for guidelines, expected to come out in April.
00:23:18 Jackie Melendez: If you are interested in CERF, please call or email me: [email protected] | cell -909-268-2967
00:23:19 Jake Poore: lead agency fits one of the following 4 categories: K-12 school district (or County office), University of California campus, California State University campus, California Community College district.
00:23:19 Dean Gerstein: “At least” one infers that more than one is fine.
00:23:26 Julian Cuevas: Can also include COEs
00:27:41 Becky Sumbera: Ann, great summary from this morning
00:28:37 Rose Gonzalez: Is SBCUSD involved already? I just learned about this.
00:28:43 Dean Gerstein: How many other “mature” collaboratives are there? I looked on the web for ones in the general vicinity and found only Fresno and GIA.
00:30:02 Louie Rodriguez: ok thank you
00:30:06 Rose Gonzalez: I wasn’t aware of the webinar this morning. Does anyone know if it was recorded?
00:30:26 Jake Poore: Rose it was recorded and they estimated it will be published in 1-week.
00:30:43 Wayne Fletcher: Rose – they said it would be available in about a week after they make sure it meets ADA requirements
00:30:43 Rose Gonzalez: @Jake thank you!
00:34:06 Ray Cuellar: Did we identify if there were any regional needs assessments that have been conducted recently to help inform gaps and direction of the application?
00:36:10 carlos ayala: At least two pathways.
00:38:05 carlos ayala: Thank Jake.
00:44:53 Rose Gonzalez: Please add SBCUSD. ?
00:45:17 Jackie Melendez: @rose will do!
00:45:24 Ray Cuellar: May need more employers
00:46:00 Ida Hermosillo, GIA: CBU
00:46:14 Rose Gonzalez: SBCUSD is large. We can help.
00:46:16 Kimberly McNulty: Orgs like OneFuture have business partners actively engaged, as do the college CTE programs —
00:46:22 Jackie Melendez: @Ray – Yes, absolutely. Let us know if there is anyone specifically that should be here and we will reach out.
00:46:27 Stephanie Houston: Please add San Bernardino Community College District.
00:46:31 Ray Cuellar: San Bernardino and Riverside County EDD
00:46:44 Dean Gerstein: When they mention “local employers” does that mean only for-profit employers?
00:46:56 carlos ayala: These are public open meetings.
00:47:07 Alex Avila: Black Brown Collective
00:47:31 Beth Higbee: Members of our ANTS and Steering Committee and the K-16 Collab do represent collaborations with business representatives.
00:47:34 Stephanie Houston: @Kim- yes. Our SBCSS Alliance for Education has industry partners.
00:47:35 Ann Marie Sakrekoff: @Dean they did not specify on any criteria for employers… don’t think they have decided yet
00:47:37 Jackie Melendez: @Dean – Interesting. If you have anyone in mind, add them to the chat.
00:48:05 Rose Gonzalez: Launch Apprenticeship Network and Tomorrow’s Talent
00:48:47 Steven Moore: Esri should be involved.
00:48:57 Rose Gonzalez: Why not manufacturing or machining? Why not logistics?
00:49:06 Karen Suarez: Bourns
00:49:24 Jackie Melendez: @rose – Yes, we will add them to the outreach list.
00:49:49 Jackie Melendez: @Steven Thank you!
00:49:57 Renay Mehta: I can get you a list of the top employers in Chino Valley: Fed Ex, McKesson Medical, NFI, and many more. We have broad range of employers across different pathways.
00:50:00 Rose Gonzalez: Technical Employment Training and Night Owl Bay
00:51:25 Jackie Melendez: @Renay! Thank you! That would be awesome!
00:52:00 Rose Gonzalez: My team is on board! We can help with writing.
00:52:13 Steven Moore: Unfortunately, I have to leave. I plan to make next week’s meeting. Thank you for having me!
00:52:20 Ann Marie Sakrekoff: thanks Steven
00:52:33 Jackie Melendez: Thank you, Steve! Remember we are back at 9 am next week!
00:52:52 Rose Gonzalez: If you need data on CCGI usage and impact from SBCUSD, we can provide it.
00:53:21 Dean Gerstein: Choice of pathways really important. The healthcare and ed sectors are big and probably very interested, but it is “at least” two, so all four would be better. Most of the big employees in the other sectors than ed and HC are branches of firms headquartered elsewhere, who might be slower to participat, but some big ones are here. Contact with councils of SB, Riverside, Ont, Fontana would also be important..
00:53:32 Ann Marie Sakrekoff: Thank you Rose. I’m going to mention that to Sorrel Stielstra GIA Research Director to follow up with you. ?
00:53:37 Rose Gonzalez: What about cybersecurity?
00:53:48 Alex Avila: Loma Linda University
00:54:02 Ida Hermosillo, GIA: Exciting opportunity for the IE!
00:56:12 Dean Gerstein: Should probably look at labor demand side for needs assessment–what occupations are local employers having a hard time hiring because of insufficient human capital.
00:57:34 Rose Gonzalez: Mural would be a great tool for us to collaborate synchronously and asynchronously.
00:57:52 Ann Marie Sakrekoff: I remember those days ?
00:58:14 Rose Gonzalez: We’ve used it for other regional initiatives. I have paid licenses if needed.
00:58:38 Ann Marie Sakrekoff: Oh good. Glad that it was useful
00:58:52 Rose Gonzalez: Even though we have many strengths, there still may be equity work needed.
00:59:10 Becky Sumbera: Identify good structures but what can we build on
00:59:31 Beth Higbee: I think you said that well, Becky.
01:02:01 Jackie Melendez, IEGO: @dean – Thank you. Yes!
01:03:48 Rose Gonzalez: Could we include students and parents?
01:04:00 Becky Sumbera: Let’s build upon a the current structure
01:04:00 Jackie Melendez, IEGO: @Rose – Good question.
01:04:22 James Spee: It would be helpful to decide what the sub award requirements would be.
01:04:28 Dean Gerstein: Sorry to have to leave now–another meeting is coming up at 3…actually in person.
01:04:55 Jackie Melendez, IEGO: @Dean – Thanks for being here!
01:05:14 Summer Steele: I think transparency is going to be essential in this process. It was mentioned multiple times on the webinar that the plan is to award one grant per region. In other words, we will be competing against ourselves if multiple agencies apply. Building on the existing structures, and truly collaborating is going to be key.
01:05:18 Jake Poore: This is a recurring meeting so the Zoom link will be the same for next week. Here’s a link to register for others you would like to invite to join –
01:05:49 Rose Gonzalez: Smartsheet would be perfect!
01:06:24 Jackie Melendez, IEGO: @Rose – I love smart sheet!
01:06:51 Alicia Velazquez: Well said, Summer!
01:06:52 Beth Higbee: Well-said, Summer!
01:07:18 Jackie Melendez, IEGO: @Summer. Yes! Thank you.
01:07:48 Kim McNulty: Carlos – that is an excellent idea!
01:07:49 Becky Sumbera: Carlos, I do believe that would be appropriate.
01:08:24 Beth Higbee: That is the group that could talk that issue over and come to an agreed upon decision!
01:08:28 James Spee: Sounds good Carlos!
01:08:42 Theresa Fowler: Capacity and implementation are going to be a huge lift.
01:09:09 Rose Gonzalez: May we please include SBCUSD Superintendent or designee?
01:10:06 James Spee: Federal indirects are different.
01:10:17 Maral Hernandez: The fiscal and convening entity do not have to be same.
01:10:22 Ray Cuellar: Do we need to register each week?
01:10:24 Jake Poore:
01:10:27 James Spee: See you in two weeks. I’ll be off next Friday, but my colleague Steve Moore will be here.
01:10:37 Ann Marie Sakrekoff: No you do not need to register each time. Same link
01:11:03 Beth Higbee: Great to see you, James!
01:11:08 Ida Hermosillo, GIA: Thank you, James.
01:11:53 James Spee: Hot dogs at Costco!
01:12:31 James Spee: Thanks Beth, same here!
01:12:41 Karen Suarez: COngratulations!!!!
01:12:43 Ray Cuellar: Thank you, and congrats AnnMarie!
01:12:46 Rose Gonzalez: Congrats!
01:12:48 Hend Gilli-Elewy: Best wishes!
01:12:49 Karen Suarez: Can’t wait to e-meet baby!
01:12:52 Theresa Fowler: congrats
01:12:53 Becky Sumbera: Ann, it has been a pleasure and congrats!!
01:12:58 Karen Suarez: Enjoy your leave, its glorious!
01:13:04 Beth Higbee: Warmest wishes, Ann Marie!

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