Women in Higher Education Leadership

In this webinar, Women in Higher Education Leadership, Women leaders serving on California public higher education governing boards discuss their critical role in advancing policies that eliminate racial inequity at the UC, CSU and California Community Colleges, and why racial/ethnic and gender diverse appointments are key to change. Panel Moderator Maria Anguiano Member University of […]

Resilient Rural Colleges

Rural colleges are changing. Without question, the pandemic has played a key role in many of the prominent shifts happening on campus and online. But, in an effort to meet other pressing challenges—educational, financial, and geographic—rural colleges are thinking differently and learning valuable lessons. A panel of experts will join The Chronicle as they discuss […]

Are our students experiencing what we think they are experiencing?

How two teachers are creatively using data to find out what’s happening for their students during remote learning With August behind us and the September routines settling in, it is time to ask ourselves if what we hoped would happen for students is actually happening. In the context of remote learning, what data and evidence […]

Improving Emergent Bilinguals Outcomes with Culturally Responsive Teaching

Emergent bilinguals, or English language learners (ELLs), currently represent 10 percent of all students in US public schools. By 2025, one in four students will be an emergent bilingual. How can educators help to ensure the success of this growing student population? In this Improving Emergent Bilinguals Outcomes with Culturally Responsive Teaching webinar, attendees will: […]

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