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Campus Well-Being During a Continuing Crisis

October 1, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Campus Well-Being During a Continuing Crisis

Higher ed is in a seemingly constant state of flux–and along with it, the lives of students, faculty, and staff. Covid-19 outbreaks on college campuses reopened for classes this fall have led to a chaotic start to the semester, with some institutions returning to a fully virtual platform and others enacting new restrictions for student activities. Increasing uncertainty, abrupt changes, and the lasting effects of the unexpected shutdown last spring are causing concerns for the well-being of faculty and students alike.

To examine this essential issue facing higher ed institutions, The Chronicle brings together a panel of experts to discuss what it will take to ensure that everyone on campus can thrive during these uncertain and incredibly challenging times.
– How can college leaders respond to the uncertainty and sense of loss and isolation?
– What resources and tools are campuses using to care for the well-being of their constituents?
– What are the physical and psychological implications of the constant state of change?

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The panel will include:
– Stacia Alexander, Director, Paul Quinn College Mental Health Clinic
– Monica Osburn, Executive Director, North Carolina State University Counseling Center
– Corey Wallack, Executive Director, Health and Wellness, Syracuse University
– Asia Wong, LCSW-BCAS, Director of Student Affairs, Student Health Services, Loyola University New Orleans

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