About This Episode

Season 3. Episode 8.

As September kicks off, this school year promises to be unique. In the next Education Insight episode, we tackle two critical topics affecting California’s education landscape.

First, we delve into the California Education Budget decrease, set to withdraw over 20 billion dollars from our schools this year. We examine its potential impact on local education quality and discuss how communities are responding.

Additionally, we shed light on the numerous Cash for College workshops, helping Inland Empire residents secure substantial funds for their education. These workshops, staffed by California Student Aid Commission experts, simplify the federal application process.

Join us for this insightful Education Insight episode as we explore the challenges and opportunities facing education in California. Discover how budget cuts may reshape education and how students can access the financial support they need. Don’t miss this timely conversation!

Featured Guests

Jonathan Kaplan

Senior Policy Analyst, California Budget & Policy Center.


Jonathan Kaplan, Senior Policy Analyst, conducts research on education and tax policy issues to support the equitable allocation of state resources. Jonathan has authored various studies on educational policy and funding in California, including analyses of how state and federal policies impact public K-12 and postsecondary education and how California’s K-12 school funding compares to that in other states. Jonathan’s work on tax policy includes analyses of California’s corporation tax as well as providing analytical support to help public education advocates understand how tax revenue affects funding for California’s K-12 schools, community colleges, and universities.

Before joining the Budget Center in 2006, Jonathan taught law and United States history for seven years in Martinez, California, where he also served as chair of Alhambra High School’s Social Science Department. Jonathan’s classroom experiences working with English learners motivate his interest in policies that promote multilingual educational opportunities. Jonathan holds a master’s degree in education from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and received his bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University.

Jonathan enjoys cooking, seeing live music, and spending time outdoors with his spouse and son, especially biking, hiking, and skiing.

Kimberly Liaz

Coordinator, Cash for College.

  • Duties: Financial Aid Awareness
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Education Insight tells the story of education in the Inland Empire through the diverse voices of those in and around the regional education community. The show is produced by Growing Inland Achievement, a collective impact organization in the Inland Empire with a mission to increase economic prosperity in the region by increasing educational attainment. Hosted by 30-year broadcast veteran Lacey Kendall, monthly shows explore topics ranging from education challenges and shortcomings to innovations and groundbreaking ideas that are driving student success.

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