About This Episode

Season 4. Episode 2.

In the second episode of Education Chat’s fourth season, your host Natalie Hinton revisits the important topic of supporting student parents in their educational pursuits. She chats with two parent learners, Martin Zamudio, a father of three studying graphic design, and Linda Hernandez, a mother of four studying business administration. They allow us to get a firsthand account as they discuss the challenges they face, the strategies they use, and the milestones they have achieved, all while balancing the responsibility of parenthood alongside the demand of higher education.

Parent learners are one of the most resilient types of students, with them typically having higher grade point averages compared to other people in post-secondary school. These student parents also make up every 1 in 5 college students in California, but can still be under represented on their campuses. Natalie and her guests discuss the resources that current and future student parents can utilize, and what other forms of support they need in order to be successful.

Whether you’re a student parent yourself, a supporter, or simply curious about the realities of maintaining both education and parenthood, this inspiring episode will leave you with new perspectives and insights on this large group of learners. Stay tuned on the last Wednesday of every month for the next installment of Education Chat!

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Education Chat tells the stories of students in the Inland Empire by cultivating meaningful discussions about lived experiences, successes, and opportunities for growth. Join GIA Intern Natalie Hinton as she engages in candid conversations with students throughout the region. The show is produced by Growing Inland Achievement, a collective impact organization in the Inland Empire with a mission to increase economic prosperity in the region by increasing educational attainment. 

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