Meeting Agenda
Meeting Participants
Chat Transcript

00:16:50 Michael Wangler: 
00:16:58 Jennifer O’Farrell: Almost there! Well done team and good morning!
00:17:38 Michael Wangler: 
00:17:49 Michael Wangler: 
00:18:04 Michael Wangler: 
00:21:03 Ray Cuellar: great intro/executive summary
00:23:21 Karen Suarez: Cal Poly is in Pomona in LA County
00:23:44 Karen Suarez: CERF is being defined as San Bernardino and Riverside Counties
00:25:12 James Spee: We have MORE THAN 30 people on this call!
00:27:25 Hillary Wolfe: Second paragraph, did you want to include logistics, transportation, and environmental science/sustainability, as an emerging need? Also, I’m confused by the term “disenfranchised populations.” Do you mean “underserved populations”?
00:32:38 James Spee: Thanks everyone! I have to jump on another meeting. Looking forward to the next phase of the process.
00:38:32 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: Great points Valerie! I could not agree more
00:38:54 Carol Tsushima: Excellent points, Valerie!
00:39:38 Alex Avila: marginalized
00:42:04 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: The first paragraph seems all about degrees
00:42:33 Carol Tsushima: Yes “…the Inland Empire (IE) K-16 Regional Collaborative will increase the number and effectiveness of clearly defined and continuous education pathways”
00:42:38 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: Which leads to the impression that is what the goal iks
00:42:55 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: is*
00:46:58 Susanne Mata: Alex has a valid point
00:49:45 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: I agree with Dean, the First paragraph needs to have the meat of the goal.
00:50:04 Mara Montelongo: I agree with Dean. Front and center and showing our complete intention.
00:55:33 Jennifer O’Farrell: Thank you for being so open to feedback and making this a truly collaborative process. Great work!
00:55:43 Ray Cuellar: agree…thank you all who contributed to this work!
00:56:43 Michael Wiafe: Alex… I LOVE the way you think
00:56:44 Karen Suarez: I vote party
00:57:06 Mara Montelongo: Thank you for all the amazing work and collaboration. Yes to the party! 🙂
00:58:00 Jennifer O’Farrell: HAHAHA!!! #goodfood
00:59:38 Hend Gilli-Elewy: Thank you all!
00:59:49 Rose Gonzalez: Thank you!
00:59:55 Hillary Wolfe: Thank you for the hard work on writing the grant!
00:59:59 Ray Cuellar: thank you!

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