Inland Empire Guided Pathways 2021 Summit Banner

Thank you to our speakers and participants!

Over 280 individuals from all twelve community colleges in the Inland Empire as well as other regional and statewide educators convened virtually on April 29-30 for the Inland Empire/Desert Guided Pathways Summit presented by Growing Inland Achievement… Read More

Video recordings of the Summit are available below

DAY ONE – April 29

Apr 29, 9:00am - 10:30am: Opening Welcome and Keynote

Get inspired by our local, regional and statewide leaders as they share their perspectives on transforming the student experience through Guided Pathways! Engage in an active dialogue around the state of community colleges and the direction we are heading to better inform your college innovations.



Ann Marie Sakrekoff  Chief Operating Officer, Growing Inland Achievement

Carlos Ayala  President & CEO, Growing Inland Achievement

Eloy Oakley  Chancellor, California Community Colleges

Monica Lozano  President & CEO, College Futures Foundation

Rob Johnstone  Founder & President, National Center for Inquiry & Improvement

Wolde-Ab Isaac  Chancellor, Riverside Community College District

Apr 29, 10:40am - 11:00am: Ignite Sessions - Guided Pathways Pillars 1-3

Recordings Coming Soon

Various colleges shine a spotlight on guided pathways work happening on their campus in short and engaging Ignite Session presentations.

Session 1 – Chaffey College
Refining Chaffey to CSUSB Pipeline
Description: Join this ignite session to find out more about the partnership between Chaffey and CSU San Bernardino, and how you can help create 2+2 academic maps that will illustrate a bachelor’s degree pathway. Register now and see how YOU can ignite this process that your college.

Session 2 – Barstow College
Dialogues for Change
Description: A look at how Barstow Community College used film, panel discussions and student forums to engage students and employees in critical conversations about issues of identity, diversity, and equity with the goal of transformative redesign of institutional practices and policies.

Session 3 – Palo Verde College
Pirate Pathways: Correspondence to the REVOLUTION
Description: In this session, Palo Verde College will share how they are revolutionizing correspondence education through meaningful collaboration with their incarcerated student population. Hear about their journey which includes re-envisioning policies and processes, and how they will incorporate lessons of this process into their Guided Pathways implementation and transform on-campus student experience.

Apr 29, 11:20am - 12:00pm: Simultaneous Breakout Sessions

Guided Pathways Student Ambassadors Leading the Way Watch Now

Student’s voices are instrumental in the redesign of colleges. Riverside City College has implemented a Guided Pathways Student Ambassadors program which embeds student voice throughout the strategic planning process.

Guided Pathways Student Ambassadors have researched and designed intentional and targeted outreach efforts to help students get on the path and stay on the path. Their targeted outreach is called the GRIT campaign. The GRIT campaign was designed to provide helpful resources, promote and encourage success while also providing information to students facing difficulties in an online environment. GPS Ambassadors structured the campaign around milestone weeks of the spring semester. Each week encompassed a motivational theme to encourage students to “start strong and finish strong”.

Presenters: Abigail Vaughn, Jada Hines, Karen Esparza Lopez, Ramisha Islam, Sydni Marquardt, Tristin Morales

Teaching Matters: Designing Communities of Practice for a Culturally Sustaining Campus Watch Now

At Moreno Valley College, the English discipline has developed an ongoing community of practice to increase success, retention, and equity. Currently, in its 8th semester and cohort, the English Community of Practice holds regular workshops focused on equity, antiracism, culturally responsive teaching, and high impact practices–efforts that have led to increased success and retention and a revision to the transfer-level Course Outline of Record to center BIPOC writers and to adopt culturally responsive pedagogies.

To scale communities of practice beyond English and align with Guided Pathways, MVC has developed the Teaching Matters Series–a series of workshops where faculty participants from multiple disciplines will participate in anti-racist, equity-minded communities of practice and receive support as they design their own discipline-specific professional development.

Presenters: Kathryn Stevenson, Melanie James

Guiding Principles for Online Student Support Training Watch Now

Faculty and staff in student services, tutoring centers, and instructional support face unique challenges in an online environment. As our college transitioned to 100% distance education due to Covid-19, faculty and staff from Counseling, the Success Centers, and Library worked together to develop 5 Guiding Principles and created training content with various pathways unique to each area. Join us as we share strategies for successful student interactions and shape future training and support for non-instructional faculty and staff.

Presenters: Melissa Sakoonphong, Selene Pineda, Adriana Acre, Matthew Morin, RoseAnn Osmanian

Aligning College Structures to Pathways for the Guided Pathways Summit Watch Now

To better address student pathways, we have been working closely with the Academic Senate, Administration, and Constituent groups to organize our reporting structure, program review, student success teams, and learning outcome assessment along pathway lines. This presentation will highlight the approach taken to move in this direction, where we are now, and what challenges we are currently addressing.

Presenters: Jane Abell, Krystal Avila, Melynie Schiel

Breaking Down Barriers to Support Student Success, Equity and Completion Watch Now

EDGE is a college completion program that includes a 2-week summer bridge, comprehensive wrap-around support, and a free tuition component (plEDGE) for students’ first two years of college. Providing students a smooth transition into college life and the support needed to complete their educational goals.

Learn how College of the Desert created and scaled EDGE, starting as a Title V HSI pilot, into an award-winning, comprehensive support program serving over 1,800 students. The program has grown very fast over the last few years through collaboration with local high schools, community partners, college faculty, college leadership, and support from our Board of Trustees.

Presenters: Amanda Phillips, Katie Chartier
Apr 29, 12:30pm - 1:30pm: Simultaneous Workshop Sessions

The Revolution at Palo Verde College Watch Now

PVC is working to increase efforts in coordinating with educational departments at CA Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR), tying in the integration of Student Services and Instruction to enhance the Student Experience for incarcerated students. The goal is to adapt this same enhancement to our overall practices. This is in alignment with Guided Pathways and Student Equity, providing students clearer pathways to further education and employment, minimizing barriers along the way. Utilizing the guidance and mentorship of GIA – Rob Johnstone and company, see what progress PVC has made.

Presenters: Biju Raman, Irma Gonzalez, Sarah Frid, Javlyn Randall

Panel Discussion: Region 9 Equity and Guided Pathway Leads Watch Now

Over the past three months, Region IX Student Equity Leads and Guided Pathways leads have utilized their collective power to start developing a framework by college to understand the intersection of our respective Student Equity plans in support of Guided Pathways and vice versa. Join us for a conversation on the status of those plans and provide feedback for the next steps.

Presenters: Ida Hermosillo, Kristi Woods, Malia Carpenter

Reverse Engineering Guided Pathways for a Powerful Consumer Message Watch Now

This session will be an interactive workshop designed to assist participants in understanding the importance of labor marketing information, employment trends and local needs to develop powerful and responsive courses and programs. The course will employ breakout sessions, teamwork activities and working through program development.

Presenter: Crystal Nasio

Counselors and Instructional Faculty: Collaborating to Improve Student Sense of Community and Purpose Watch Now

Grounding the student experience in equity calls for intentional collaboration between instructional and counseling faculty to create a seamless experience and sense of community and belonging. At Mt. San Jacinto Community College, ongoing collaboration occurs around the map development process and through the counselor pathway liaison program. A focus on student career development within counseling is a driving force for creating meaning and connection for students both inside and outside of the classroom.

Presenter: Meghan Basgall


How to Advance Student Success at Your College Using Innovative Research Design, Deep Insight Into Student Experience, and Student-generated Solutions. Watch Now

Current learning and future opportunities in the Inland Empire

Presenters: Gabriel Kelvin, Sorrel Stielstra, Yvonne Olivares
Apr 29, 1:50pm - 2:50pm: Simultaneous Workshop Sessions

Aligning Equity Through Guided Pathways Project Teams Watch Now

Norco College will present on connecting equity goals to guided pathways work through faculty led project teams. These cross-functional project teams include administration, faculty, classified professionals, and students. Project activities are focused on scaling guided pathways with equity at the center. Presenters will be sharing the process for forming, supporting, and facilitating project teams in collaboration with broad constituency groups.

Presenters: Melissa Bader, Tenisha James

From Theory to Praxis: Centering Anti-Racism As a Mindset Watch Now

How can college communities dismantle white supremacy and systemic bias? First, do no more harm to racially minoritized students, faculty, and staff. Second, move from theory to praxis; with practices, processes, and andragogy! We are excited to elevate student, faculty, and staff voices, specifically those defining anti-racism in their communities and engaging in truth-telling dialogue honoring racially minoritized community college members. We look forward to sharing not only practical models colleges are using to start their transformation, but the mindset-shifting professional development which led multiple disciplines to apply an anti-racist lens to curriculum and services. Participants will have the opportunity to gain and engage with the practices, tools, and learnings of students, faculty, and staff from our system engaged in anti-racist work. In addition, participants can consider and identify practices which could be brought back to college communities that are committed to dismantling institutional and structural racism.

Presenters: Katherine Bergman, Natalie Nagthall

Operationalizing Guided Pathways through Classified Engagement Watch Now

Classified Professionals are an integral component towards achieving full integration of Guided Pathways at your institution. This workshop will provide insight into how various roles at the college fit into the four pillars of Guided Pathways and how managers and classified professionals can work together to investigate duties through an equity lens. By doing so, employees have an opportunity to “clarify” their work with a potential to eliminate inefficient or inequitable practices uncovered through this process.

Presenters: Akia Marshall, Natalie Halsell

Making Student Success Teams Work Watch Now

Over the past 3 years RCC has worked on developing student success teams to holistically support students within pathways. Through funding, reorganization and prioritization we have been able to solidify a student success team model and scale for all students in all pathways. Our teams are designed specifically with the student in mind with each member playing a critical role in student success. Come learn about our exciting wins with developing student success teams while we also discuss challenges and areas of opportunity.

Presenters: Monique Greene, Patricia Avila, Virginia White


Dual Enrollment and Guided Pathways: Closing Equity Gaps by Getting Students on their Path Watch Now

Dual enrollment represents a powerful—but often underutilized—strategy for accelerating students’ pathways and promoting timely degree and certificate completion. Recent data show that dual enrollment participation rates are rising in California, but equity gaps remain. This session will explore research and promising practices for expanding dual enrollment with a focus on the most underserved students. Sarah Hooker (JFF) will present findings from national and state research, including a new publication exploring dual enrollment as a college transition strategy for students from special populations. Chris Piercy (Victor Valley College) and Mariana Torres (Apple Valley Unified School District) will discuss lessons learned from the growth of their successful dual enrollment partnership that is opening doors to college opportunities in the High Dessert. Participants will have opportunities to discuss strategies for increasing access and equity, as well as opportunities for leveraging dual enrollment as part of their institutions’ guided pathways transformation.

Presenters: Chris Piercy, Mariana Torres, Sarah Hooker
Apr 29, 4:00pm - 4:30pm: Campus Report Out

Facilitator: Rob Johnstone, Founder & President, National Center for Inquiry & Improvement

DAY TWO – April 30

Apr 30, 9:00am - 10:30am: Keynote: Designing Equity-Conscious Pathways to Ensure Students are Learning

As colleges across the country are implementing the Guided Pathways framework to advance student success, early evaluations have shown considerable progress on the first three pillars of the framework, (1) clarify the paths, (2) help students get on a path and (3) help students stay on their path, but how are institutions strengthening their efforts to advance work on the fourth pillar, ensure students are learning? This session will discuss project activities and strategies to ensure students are learning based on AAC&U’s work with twenty community colleges that includes the design of a scalable, research-based teaching, learning, and assessment model, and campus efforts to directly assess student proficiency of learning outcomes as part of the Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE) Institute.


Tia Brown McNair Vice President in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Student Success, and Executive Director for the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT), Campus Centers Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)

Rob Johnstone  Founder & President, National Center for Inquiry & Improvement

Apr 30, 10:40am - 11:00am: Ignite Sessions - Guided Pathways Pillar 4

Recordings Coming Soon

Various colleges shine a spotlight on guided pathways work happening on their campus in short and engaging Ignite Session presentations.

Session 1 – Riverside City College
Making Change: Increasing Throughput and Success in Transfer-Level English
Description: Charting Riverside City College’s response to the AB705 legislative mandate through professional development that highlights practical classroom changes to increase student success in transfer-level English.

Session 2 – Moreno Valley College
English Professional Learning
Description: Learn how Moreno Valley College quadrupled English 1A throughput rate from 18% to 67% and how they leveraged English Professional Learning like “The ComP,” a community of practice, to successfully create a paradigm shift that’s transforming its culture to focus on “being student ready” instead of “focused on student’s college readiness.”

Session 3 – San Bernardino Valley
Coming Soon
Description: Coming Soon

Apr 30, 11:20am - 12:00pm: Simultaneous Breakout Sessions

Building Equitable Pathways to Living Wage Jobs in the Inland Empire Watch Now

Guided Pathways was intended to be an “end in mind” approach to institutional redesign, which for most students means getting a great job. But how equitable are those opportunities to reach a living wage job? In this session, GIA and WestEd will share local research and tools to help you learn what programs your students are enrolled in, what opportunities there are within those programs in further education or immediate jobs, and how representative are programs of the student population by key demographics. You’ll walk away from this session with data and resources to share back with your college to aid in your effort to build equitable Guided Pathways.

Presenters: Rachel Antrobus, Sorrel Stielstra

ACUE: Improve Student Success through Improved Instructional Practices Watch Now

A look at the implementation of the Association of College and University Educators class on Effective Teaching Practices at College of the Desert, to improve student outcomes through improved instruction design and practices.

Presenters: Matthew Wilson, Veronica Daut

Faculty Diversification Watch Now

The faculty of the California Community Colleges does not reflect the diversity of our students. This session will explore the current data regarding faculty diversification, the connection between a diverse faculty and student success, and how our efforts to support diversity, equity and inclusion work is an essential component of implementing guided pathways at our colleges. The structural work to revise the faculty hiring processes at San Bernardino Valley College will be presented as a roadmap that may serve other colleges engaging in this important work.

Presenters: John Stanskas

Guided Pathways: The Bottom Line Watch Now

The Crafton Hills College Guided Pathways team members Gio Sosa and Sabrina Jimenez will share who we are as a college and what we’ve achieved following our bottom line principles. We will share how we’ve created a successful culture of teamwork in which we make everyone feel as if they are a part of the decision making process. By attending this session, you will learn our leadership methods and our practices regarding data and research. Finally, we will share how you can be the difference whether you are a student, staff member, faculty, or administrator. What is your college’s bottom line?

Presenters: Giovanni Sosa, Sabrina Jimenez

Student e-Portfolio Development: Facilitating a Knowledge Base for Students and Faculty within a Guided Pathways Framework at Moreno Valley College Watch Now

This guided presentation will walk participants through the importance of creating an e-portfolio with information about the different mediums that can be used, as well as the design elements featured on each platform. Presenters will discuss the major components of an e-portfolio, focusing on the importance of documenting and keeping inventory of various forms of coursework. Throughout the presentation, presenters will share tips about ideal ways to showcase the user’s most impressive projects in a way that will display the best representation of their skills and abilities. In addition to an informative presentation, presenters will provide access to their personal e-portfolios as instructional examples for further inspiration and design ideas, and will close with suggestions and time allotted for questions and answers regarding e-portfolio development.

Presenters: Abraham Cifuentes, Anna Timarong, Jason Kennedey, Kasey Nguyen, Nkeiru Nkwocha, Melissa Valenzuela
Apr 30, 12:30pm - 1:30pm: Simultaneous Workshop Sessions

Guided Pathways: Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Davidson-Davie Community College Watch Now

This presentation will cover how various initiatives at Davidson-Davie Community College led to the emergence of a campus culture of effective teaching and learning. This culture was created through widespread engagement by faculty, provided a framework for creating sustainable and meaningful professional development, and propelled collaborative efforts to enhance student engagement, retention and completion.

Presenters: John Hardee, Susan Burleson

Structure and Substance: Acceleration and Equity in Cuyamaca College’s Math and English Classes Watch Now

The math and english departments at Cuyamaca College made significant equity gains through implementing AB705 and scaling academic support for students. Now both departments are at the forefront of campus-wide efforts to close equity gaps through innovative approaches to student learning, validation, and engagement. This interactive session covers larger structural changes as well as more focused instructor-level interventions, with the goal that participants will leave with ideas about how to propose, implement, and scale their own acceleration and equity projects.

Presenters: Brianna Hays, Tammi Marshall, Tania Jabour

Pedagogy Inquiry Teams: A Faculty-Led, Equity-Focused Inquiry Process Watch Now

As Guided Pathways implementation at Diablo Valley College took shape, the most difficult pillar to address was “Ensure Learning.” How could DVC design growth opportunities for faculty with the goal of ameliorating longstanding equity gaps in student success? From this question, the college developed the Pedagogy Inquiry Teams: faculty-led inquiry organized into cross-disciplinary Communities of Practice focused on different equity-based goals. This session describes the program development and evolution over time, the organizational structure used for each semester of a two-year inquiry cycle, and some of the lessons learned as the program has evolved. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental principles guiding the work to help participants create a project that fosters faculty-led inquiry within the unique context of their own college.

Presenters: Ian Thomas-Bignami, Kristen Koblik, Mark Akiyama

Data and Equity Coaching Watch Now

This program is led by the Director of Institutional Research at RCC and coordinated with all Instructional Deans and the Faculty Development Coordinator. The data coaching program will increase data literacy, data analysis, and data communication surrounding student equity data with the specific intention of closing opportunity gaps for our African American and Hispanic students. We anticipate that data coaches will be able to leverage their existing relationships to have data conversations that were previously inaccessible. The program will create leaders for data analysis and increase the ability for faculty to link data analysis to support for Ensuring Learning.

Presenters: Brandon Owashi, Oliver Thompson


Part 1 – Diving into the Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP) Dashboards for Decision Support Watch Now

The Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP), organized by the National Student Clearinghouse, is a nationwide initiative to help colleges and universities gain a fuller picture of student momentum, progress and outcomes and equity gaps, benchmark against peer institutions, meet various reporting requirements, and monitor the impact of large-scale reforms like pathways. This hands-on workshop focuses on helping institutions use the PDP data to answer key questions about student success, use an intersectional approach to disaggregate data and advance equity. It will begin with a brief overview of the PDP for participants unfamiliar with the project. Then, using simulated institutional data, participants will learn how to utilize PDP Tableau Dashboards to answer exercises designed to highlight the usefulness of the PDP for decision support and to gain valuable insights about the state of equity at the institution. The workshop will also include discussions on how to use available PDP resources to strategically share information with key stakeholders and tell your institution’s story. Finally, workshop participants will engage with each other to build a PDP network for future collaboration.

Presenters: Bobbie Frye, Jake Kevari, Laurie Heacock, Lisa Stich
Apr 30, 1:50pm - 2:50pm: Simultaneous Workshop Sessions

Guided Pathways: Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Davidson-Davie Community College Watch Now

This presentation will cover how various initiatives at Davidson-Davie Community College led to the emergence of a campus culture of effective teaching and learning. This culture was created through widespread engagement by faculty, provided a framework for creating sustainable and meaningful professional development, and propelled collaborative efforts to enhance student engagement, retention and completion.

Presenters: John Hardee, Susan Burleson

Faculty Collaboration: A Data Inquiry and Action Team’s Journey Towards Addressing Inequity in the Classroom Watch Now

Our team’s work intersects data analysis with pedagogy and curriculum to address equity and anti-racism within the college classroom. This session will detail the step-by-step process and prompts our data inquiry & action team used to develop and teach a collaboratively-written instructional plan based on the “5E’s” (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate.) Additionally, our team will share the instructional plan that we created, and some of the student examples that resulted from the lesson.

Presenter: Margaret Prothero

Embedding Student Financial Stability Supports Throughout Student Experiences Watch Now

Basic needs insecurity–reliable and adequate access to foundational supports like housing, food, health care, childcare, technology, and transportation–threatens students’ educational progress and success as well as the well-being of themselves and their families. If students are unable to complete their educational programs, they have fewer opportunities for careers that provide long-term financial stability and economic mobility. This session will offer strategies and college examples to embed student financial supports throughout the student experience, inside and outside the classroom, so that students can get the support they need, when and how they need them, in order to stay, progress, and complete their educational goals.

Presenters: Priyadarshini Chaplot, Rob Johnstone, Dilcie Perez


Part 2 – Diving into the Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP) Dashboards for Decision Support Watch Now

The Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP), organized by the National Student Clearinghouse, is a nationwide initiative to help colleges and universities gain a fuller picture of student momentum, progress and outcomes and equity gaps, benchmark against peer institutions, meet various reporting requirements, and monitor the impact of large-scale reforms like pathways. This hands-on workshop focuses on helping institutions use the PDP data to answer key questions about student success, use an intersectional approach to disaggregate data and advance equity. It will begin with a brief overview of the PDP for participants unfamiliar with the project. Then, using simulated institutional data, participants will learn how to utilize PDP Tableau Dashboards to answer exercises designed to highlight the usefulness of the PDP for decision support and to gain valuable insights about the state of equity at the institution. The workshop will also include discussions on how to use available PDP resources to strategically share information with key stakeholders and tell your institution’s story. Finally, workshop participants will engage with each other to build a PDP network for future collaboration.

Presenters: Bobbie Frye, Jake Kevari, Laurie Heacock, Lisa Stich
Apr 30, 3:00pm - 4:00pm: Closing Panel Discussion - Academic Senate's Role in Ensuring Equity and Learning

Recording Coming Soon

Ensuring Learning (Pillar 4) and meeting Equity Goals require faculty-led work, especially in the Academic Senate 10+1 areas of Curriculum, Program Development, Professional Development and Program Review. Specific challenges include aligning academic programs to transfer and employment; conducting student learning assessments that lead to improvements in program review and professional development; weaving applied and experiential learning into the student’s curricular experience; and developing equitable teaching practices. The Academic Senate has the power and purview to create policies that support student success. The three panelists will share their insights as Academic Senate leaders invested in Guided Pathways and Equity work at their colleges.


Jackie Boboye
Luke Lara
Quinton Bemiller
Rob Johnstone
Ty Simpson

Thank You Planning Committee

Thank you to all of the members of 2021 Inland Empire/Desert Guided Pathways Summit Planning Committee

Angelica Ibarra, Guided Pathways Regional Coordinator, Foundation for California Community Colleges

Ann Marie Sakrekoff, COO, Growing Inland Achievement

Biju Raman, Dean of Instruction & Student Services, Palo Verde College

Carlos Ayala, President & CEO, Growing Inland Achievement

Deanna Murrell, Guided Pathways Co-lead, Moreno Valley College

Jake Poore, Director of Communication, Growing Inland Achievement

Leslie Valmonte, Guided Pathways Regional Coordinator, Foundation for California Community Colleges

Monique Greene, Guided Pathways Coordinator, Riverside City College

Quinton Bemiller, Guided Pathways Team; Faculty Senate President, Norco College

Tahmina Morshed, Guided Pathways Co-lead, Moreno Valley College

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