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Season 1. Episode 8.

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Welcome to the GIA Education Report. With the latest in Southern California education news, I’m Alyssa Silva. 

A bill moving through California State Legislature could eliminate teaching performance assessments (or TPAs), a key tool for evaluating teacher preparation programs. Senate Bill 1263, backed by the California Teachers Association, aims to remove TPAs, which require aspiring teachers to demonstrate competence through classroom instruction videos, lesson plans, and reflections. The bill, if passed, would remove the last mandatory test for teaching readiness. 

Supporters argue these assessments are stressful, costly, and redundant, potentially deterring future teachers. However, the Learning Policy Institute’s research suggests TPAs help identify well-prepared candidates and highlight programs needing support. The institute recommends using TPA data to enhance teacher preparation statewide, rather than eliminating assessments. 

California State University, San Bernardino is partnering with Barstow Community College to offer in-person classes, making higher education more accessible to High Desert students. Starting in fall 2024, four upper-division general education and writing-intensive courses will be available, benefiting a wide range of students due to their broad applicability. 

These hybrid courses, which blend in-person and online learning, will run in two seven-week sessions: August 26th to October 11th and October 21st to December 6th. Each class will meet once a week in person, utilizing classrooms equipped with the necessary technology for a seamless hybrid experience. Enrollment is now open, and these courses are designed to complement Barstow College’s existing programs. 

In other news, Governor Gavin Newsom is pushing to revamp career and technical education in California to better prepare students for lifelong careers. His plan aims to transform the current fragmented system into a coherent set of programs that align with career support. 

Ben Chida, Newsom’s senior adviser, mentioned progress toward a new state master plan for career education. This plan, expected by year-end, will promote equitable access to fulfilling, living-wage jobs. The Governor’s Council for Career Education highlights core concepts like creating a coordinating council to connect high schools, colleges, and employers and increasing opportunities for work-based learning. The plan will guide future legislative and funding efforts to enhance education and training systems statewide. 

Seventeen-year-old Joaquin Gonzalez-Salgado from Fontana achieved an impressive academic feat this spring by earning his high school diploma along with four associate degrees. Thanks to the dual enrollment program at Chaffey College, Joaquin completed these degrees before starting his senior year at Los Osos High School in Rancho Cucamonga. 

He officially graduated from Chaffey College in 2023, but participated in the 2024 commencement ceremony. Joaquin will attend Harvey Mudd College in Claremont this Fall, where he will begin his engineering major on a tuition-free scholarship. 

And that’s this week’s GIA Education Report, I’m Alyssa Silva.

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