This year, CSAC will be hosting its 2nd annual California College Affordability Summit in an effort to bring California’s K-12 and Higher Education communities together. The CA College Affordability Summit: A Pathway to Financial Aid will provide educators and policy leaders information and resources about the importance of financial aid and its ability to increase college access, enrollment, and persistence. Session topics will include embedding financial aid application completion within curricula, developing systems of support for vulnerable student populations, securing policy and system changes, and maximizing partnership efforts between higher education and K-12 institutions. Join for this one-day virtual experience!
Open to K-12 and Higher Education Leaders
K-12 school, district, and county level board members, administrators, school counselors and teachers. College and university leadership, student affairs staff, equity officers, outreach partners and policy advocates. If you have any questions regarding the Summit, please contact via email [email protected].