About This Episode

Season 4. Episode 6.

In the sixth installment of Education Chat’s fourth season, your host Natalie Hinton details the benefits that come with volunteering as a student. Volunteering is defined as freely giving your time and labor for community service, and most students will volunteer their time at some point in their academic career. Whether they perform service on their own accord or for an educational requirement, every volunteer can gain different forms of benefits that are both tangible and intangible. 

Natalie meets with student members and faculty that are apart of College Corps, a unique program to California. At 8 of the different colleges and universities in the Inland Empire, college students are provided with the opportunities to tackle three unique statewide challenges while making connections, growing their resume, and receiving an allowance for their hard work. Another part of the inclusive program is that it includes AB 540 Dream Act Students to be able to participate in this state wide service program. Natalie chats with Darci Manzo Piron, the director of College Corps at Riverside City College, to learn more about what exactly the program entails, and how to join it. To gain a student perspective, special guest Brenda Mendez, an education major transferring from RCC to UC Riverside, speaks about how she completed over 450 volunteer hours while being a part of College Corps, and how the program and volunteering in general opened doors for her. 

In today’s day and age, volunteering is becoming more accessible than ever. Some students may feel lost figuring out where to start, but your school may have all the resources you need. If you are an AB 540 student feeling lost while looking for an opportunity to give back to your community while being compensated, College Corps is an excellent option that will welcome you into their program with open arms. No matter how old you get and how experienced you feel, volunteering allows you to join a risk-free environment that encourages you to expand your horizons. The benefits of meeting new connections, gaining valuable experience, improving your mental and physical health, and discovering new passions are outmatched. The College Corps program of California even has the added benefit of a stipend to support your efforts. 

Not only is this episode for students who are curious about the benefits of volunteering, but it is also for parents, educators, and state-wide representatives that want to learn more about College Corps and the different opportunities that are available for their students. This episode will leave you inspired and knowledgeable on how volunteering is one of the most important foundations of the Inland Empire community. 

Stay tuned on the last Wednesday of every month for the next installment of Education Chat!

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Education Chat tells the stories of students in the Inland Empire by cultivating meaningful discussions about lived experiences, successes, and opportunities for growth. Join GIA Intern Natalie Hinton as she engages in candid conversations with students throughout the region. The show is produced by Growing Inland Achievement, a collective impact organization in the Inland Empire with a mission to increase economic prosperity in the region by increasing educational attainment. 

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