Centering student voices
Education Chat
Listening to and acting on student insights is critical to advancing educational equity in the Inland Empire and beyond. In this podcast, GIA Intern Natalie Hinton engages in candid conversations with students throughout the region, cultivating meaningful discussions about lived experiences, successes, and opportunities for growth.
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Recent Episodes
Education Chat: The Balancing Act of Student Athletes
About This Episode Season 4. Episode 10. Being a student is difficult enough, but what happens when you put a physical commitment on top of it? This is the reality that...
Education Chat: The Student Guide to Networking
About This Episode Season 4. Episode 9. What is networking, and why is it important for students? This question and more is answered in the ninth episode of Education Chat’s...
Education Chat: Learning Through Mentorship
About This Episode Season 4. Episode 8. School is underway, and hundreds of thousands of students are navigating higher education for the first time. It may seem daunting,...
Education Chat: UCs vs. CSUs: What’s the Difference?
About This Episode Season 4. Episode 7. As students return to school and begin to think about applying to higher education, the seventh episode of Education Chat’s fourth...
Education Chat: The Benefits of Volunteering
About This Episode Season 4. Episode 6. In the sixth installment of Education Chat’s fourth season, your host Natalie Hinton details the benefits that come with volunteering...
Education Chat: Honors Programs in College
About This Episode Season 4. Episode 5. As summer begins and students are imagining their future educational goals, the fifth episode of Education Chat featuring host...