About This Episode

Season 4. Episode 3.

To close out the month of April, also known as “Gaypril”, your host Natalie Hinton celebrates the month dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community by highlighting the experiences that LGBTQ+ students have endured. She chats with Ross Darlings, a student president of the Pride Club at Crafton Hills College. They discuss how they learned to accept their identity, how it has affected them as a student, and what changes need to be made on their campus in order to provide more support to the community.

Almost 17% of all graduate and undergraduate students identify with a sexual identity other than straight, with 2% of those students identifying as transgender. Despite almost one-fifth of all college students belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, they can still face discrimination at their schools from either other students or faculty. Natalie and Ross address how this unfair treatment can negatively impact how a student performs, and provide tips on how to be a better ally to the LGBTQ+ community.

Even if you are not a member of the LGBTQ+ community, this episode provides a plethora of tips and helpful insight on how to navigate college life as either an ally or a member of the community. This informational episode will leave you with a firsthand perspective and insight on how we can celebrate and support this prideful group of students. Stay tuned on the last Wednesday of every month for the next installment of Education Chat!

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Education Chat tells the stories of students in the Inland Empire by cultivating meaningful discussions about lived experiences, successes, and opportunities for growth. Join GIA Intern Natalie Hinton as she engages in candid conversations with students throughout the region. The show is produced by Growing Inland Achievement, a collective impact organization in the Inland Empire with a mission to increase economic prosperity in the region by increasing educational attainment. 

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