The #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program helps students pay for college, uniting students of different backgrounds across California with a common purpose.

The #CaliforniansForAll College Corps is a college service program led by California Volunteers, Office of the Governor to create debt-free pathways for low-income students who commit to serving for an academic year. Up to 6,500 students will receive up to $10,000 to help pay for college, including a stipend and a scholarship. Participants will help communities tackle critical issues focused on climate action, k-12 education, and food insecurity.

Eight campuses from the Inland Empire will participate this year. GIA has agreed to serve as the consortium facilitator for the Inland Empire region and will provide support with recruitment, training, planning, evaluation, and events. We estimate that 500 students will participate across all Inland Empire institutions.

Click on the campus logos below to access each site’s College Corps page.


(909) 256-0011


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