About This Episode
Season 2. Episode 2.
Featured Guests

Dr. John Barnshaw
Senior Leader for Research and Policy, College Promise
John Barnshaw is a Senior Leader of College Promise, a national, non-partisan, non-profit initiative to increase post-secondary education access, affordability, quality, and completion. In this capacity, Dr. Barnshaw is responsible for managing the research and policy and serves as a leader in the promise movement on higher education and the workforce. Prior to joining College Promise, Dr. Barnshaw served as Vice President at Lightcast, a global leader in labor market insights, where he worked with more than 1,000 colleges and universities and 200 education partners. John also served as Vice President at Ad Astra, and immediately prior, served as Director of Research and Public Policy at the American Association of University Professors, where he directed the Faculty Compensation Survey, the oldest benchmarking study in higher education. Dr. Barnshaw also directed the National Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity (Delaware Cost Study), a longitudinal benchmarking that explores faculty teaching, separately budgeted research, and public service expenditures at the discipline level for four-year institutions. Barnshaw earned his degrees from the University of Delaware (Ph.D.) and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (MA, BA) and serves as a Research Affiliate for Innovation at Davidson College.
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