Meeting Agenda
Presentation Slides

Michael Wiafe Presentation Slides

Meeting Participants
Chat Transcript

00:13:09 Wendy Deras: Good morning, Wendy Deras, Industry Sector Manager, Health, IE [email protected]
00:13:10 Stephani Congdon: Good morning to all
00:13:20 Terrance Stone: Terrance Stone, Young Visionaries
00:13:29 Laura Smith: Good Morning!
00:13:42 Becky Sumbera: Becky Sumbera, CSUSB College of Education
00:13:52 Mara Montelongo: Good morning!
00:14:08 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: Good Morning! Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy, Regional Director of Business & Entrepreneurship, IEDRC
[email protected]
00:15:15 Susanne Mata: Good morning! Susanne Mata Industry Sector Manager – ICT & Digital Media Sector [email protected]
00:16:35 Alan Braggins: Good Morning! Alan Braggins, Regional Innovation and Automation Project Director IEDRC [email protected]
00:17:02 Stephanie Murillo: Well said, Alex. Thank you for speaking your heart
00:18:02 JACQUELINE MELENDEZ: Good morning everyone.
00:18:36 Laurie Schoelkopf:
00:18:40 Stephani Congdon: Let’s not forget our special populations
00:19:29 Laurie Schoelkopf: K-16

Problem Statement DRAFT

a. There are not enough cross-institutionally integrated educational pathways built for learners in the Inland Empire to access the pipelines to quality jobs in emerging industries.

b. We have K-12 schools with career readiness classes and a launchpad for career pathways, but there is little to no connection between those programs and local community colleges. Our collaborative is looking to build the connective tissue and bridges between the levels of education to make the system cohesive and easy to navigate for learners. Additionally, there are emerging industries within the region that need pathways to be built out to meet economic growth needs.

c. There is little to no programmatic connection between career pathways at community colleges and 4-year public and private institutions. Finally, the Inland Empire has a need for further engagement of employers and the workforce for full cohesion of the cradle-to-career pipeline for learners.

00:20:28 Kimberly McNulty: Laurie – I tried the Sharepoint link but it said I don’t have access… not sure if others having same trouble?
00:21:01 Becky Sumbera: @Kimberly, I had the same problem
00:21:16 Michael Wangler: Try this:
00:21:17 Stephani Congdon: Valley college has a cte event next week
00:21:23 James Spee: What would the problem statement look like if restated from the student perspective? The parent? The employer?
00:22:00 Becky Sumbera: @Michael, this link works. Thanks,
00:23:01 Sorrel Stielstra: Thanks, Ray. We have been having preliminary conversations around the need for greater regional data sharing.
00:24:10 Rose Gonzalez: Why no mention of equity in the problem statements?
00:24:15 Gustavo-Norco College: There are no references to equity gaps and equity-mindedness as one of the problems we are also wanting to solve/improve in the I.E.
00:24:16 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: I agree, Kim!
00:24:23 Alejandra Gomez: As Sorrel pointed out, these conversations around regional data sharing would include creating a unique identifier for each student so they could be tracked through different educational levels, from k-12, to community college to 4yr institutions
00:24:38 Valerie Backus: I agree that industry needs to be engaged much more–they should be driving our work.
00:24:54 James Spee: So state the problem from the employer perspective
00:25:33 Rose Gonzalez: @Stephanie I agree!
00:25:47 Kim McNulty, OneFuture CV: Agree, Stephanie… there has been very good growth in connection with community colleges. Lots to build upon and grow.
00:26:00 Susanne Mata: I was thinking the same thing. That statement is a little too strong.
00:26:02 Dean Gerstein: We have too few connections from K-12 career readiness classes to our local community colleges. Our collaborative will is looking to bridge this divide more broadly and make the system cohesive and easier to navigates.
00:26:09 Stephani Congdon: Agree
00:26:17 Becky Sumbera: Limited collaborative connection
00:26:24 Kim McNulty, OneFuture CV: Also – the excellent expertise and work of the DSN network (Lisa, Wendy, others) — I know there is a new name for their positions, too. : )
00:27:08 Wendy Deras: Industry Sector Managers, Health or ICT/Digital Media and Entrepreneurship
00:27:21 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: The same is true of the last bullet
00:27:26 Dean Gerstein: We have too few connections from K-12 career readiness classes to our local community colleges. Our collaborative will strengthen and broaded these bridges to make the system more cohesive and easier to navigate.
00:28:01 Stephani Congdon: Fusd is building an innovation center on valley which will eventually be open to the community
00:28:44 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: @Stephani, Feel free to reach out to me if you need any assistance with the innovation center
00:30:09 Rose Gonzalez: Maybe we can frame the problem in terms of opportunity gaps and differences in outcomes for different groups.
00:30:28 Stephani Congdon: Remember this is about working together—unity
00:31:02 Ray Cuellar: also, if possible, hard data woven throughout the problem statement might make a more compelling argument
00:31:15 Michael Wangler: [email protected]
00:31:16 Alan Braggins: I think the last statement should begin:
There is a need for greater connection between career pathways at community colleges and 4-year public and private institutions. The “little to no programmatic” seems to place blame, not describe a problem…
00:31:33 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: Agreed, Alan!!!
00:31:38 Michael Wiafe: That is exactly right Jay. hoping the breakout rooms would help us get at that
00:31:41 Michael Wiafe: I hear you Alan!
00:31:47 Susanne Mata: I agree Alan!
00:32:06 Beth Higbee: Thank you, Alan; I agree with you. A lot is going on, we just need to make it all evident.
00:33:03 James Spee: Let me know if you want to help Lisa and I!
00:34:00 Louie Rodriguez: I imagine that other parts of the proposal may address the region, demographics, trends, disparities, etc. However, I wonder if it makes sense to acknowledge the context/region/how the IE is different from other parts of the state.
00:34:21 Stephani Congdon: Totally agree
00:34:35 Jennifer O’Farrell: Agreed.
00:34:52 Becky Sumbera: @ James – I think you highlight a good point
00:34:57 Mara M.-YAP: Absolutely agree!!
00:35:20 Maral Hernandez: agreed!
00:35:51 Stephanie Murillo: Well said, James. Good point. Definitely opportunity to add some focus here on equity as well. Setting it up for us to address some of those gaps that Alex brought up earlier
00:35:57 Hillary Wolfe: I agree as well – the need to support the sense of community is what will KEEP families in the area. We can’t forget the cultural aspects which can be addressed through pathways that may not be considered, such as the arts.
00:36:08 Susanne Mata: We need to be careful not to discount the good work and strong pathways that exist throughout the IE. We just need to expand and strengthen existing programs and replicate what is working to other areas
00:36:28 Sorrel Stielstra: Great points, James!
00:37:01 Wendy Deras: Academia pipeline is crucial, K12 and college, I agree Alex
00:38:21 Stephani Congdon: Maybe a program like RCOE has for educating future black male teachers
00:39:05 Wendy Deras: RCC is building a nursing academic pathway from RN to MSN with Cal Baptist…trying to ‘grow our own’
00:39:10 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: Also start asking students what problems they would like to solve…. makes a huge difference in getting them into something they are interested it
00:39:25 Susanne Mata: Very well stated Valerie! This grant could help to fill in the gaps.
00:39:29 Kim McNulty, OneFuture CV: Yes — that connects to the industry/business lead idea. And for students, asking “What problem do you want to solve?” vs. “What degree do you want?”
00:39:55 Lisa Kiplinger Kennedy: @ Kim, Great minds… I said the same thing 🙂
00:40:14 Rose Gonzalez: Agreed!
00:41:06 Hend Gilli-Elewy: Agreed
00:41:07 Alex Avila: janitors, administration, IT, staff etc. are also careers not just teaching. Alex Avila
00:41:11 Rose Gonzalez: Student-centered
00:41:13 Kim McNulty, OneFuture CV: @Lisa – love it! : ) … Carol Tsushima shared the “what problem do you want to solve” and I think it’s spot on! We have an amazing regional team. : )
00:41:27 JACQUELINE MELENDEZ: Michael has and idea – Podcast –
00:41:29 James Spee: CTE gets the student a living wage at lowest cost. College degrees can come once they are food and housing secure.
00:42:36 Tim Gramling: Thanks Wendy for noting that pathway from RN to MSN, starting at RCC and continuing to Cal Baptist Univ. This is a very helpful mechanism for retaining talent in the IE.
00:42:49 Hend Gilli-Elewy: @Jackie, Thank you for the link!
00:43:03 Kim McNulty, OneFuture CV: CSUSB is also expanding their BSW program into the desert which connects to our pathways
00:43:07 Michael Wiafe: Jackie is always too kind ? I appreciate you
00:43:08 Kim McNulty, OneFuture CV: Great discussion, all!
00:43:11 Dean Gerstein: Problem and Solutions Statement PROBLEM: There are too few and not well enough trodden educational pathways in the Inland Empire to quality jobs in mature and emerging industries. We have connections from K-12 career readiness classes to our local community colleges, amd we have programmatic connections between career pathways at community colleges and 4-year institutions. But The system of pathways needs to become more inclusive, welcoming, and adaptive to all students. And the educational system needs more engagement and partnership with local employers, and employers with our schools.
SOLUTION: Our collaborative will strengthen these connective networks and make the system easier to understand and navigate and more broadly inclusive. We will also focus especially on building out pathways to emerging industries within the region to meet economic growth needs.
00:43:13 Kim McNulty, OneFuture CV: Thank you, Michael
00:43:31 JACQUELINE MELENDEZ: Thank you, Michael!
00:43:46 Louie Rodriguez: Maybe we can consider including some metrics in the problem statement. Where are we going? What are we aspiring to with this grant?
00:43:49 Stephanie Murillo: @Michael Wiafe – Really great job getting that draft statement started. Thank you for the opportunity to work on it together
00:43:52 Michael Wiafe: I must also plug in since we opened that up… I host the CSU’s national podcast Higher Education Rewired.
00:44:13 Michael Wiafe: Thank you Dean, I saved this as a note

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