About This Episode

Season 4. Episode 8.

School is underway, and hundreds of thousands of students are navigating higher education for the first time. It may seem daunting, but the eighth episode of Education Chat’s fourth season introduces a topic that can transfer your educational experiences, and that is mentorship. Your host Natalie Hinton explores and elaborates on the power of mentorship, and shares her story on how it shaped her own academic journey.

As the new host of Education Chat for season 4, Natalie introduces the audience to her mentor who previously laid the foundation for the podcast. For those who are familiar with Education Chat’s first three seasons, Natalie is joined by Alyssa Silva, former Education Chat host and current multimedia production specialist for Education Chat. They chat about the importance of mentorship, and share how their experience has allowed them to grow and thrive in their current positions.

Education Chat invites all past, present, and future mentors and mentees to watch this episode and reflect on the importance of learning through mentorship. Not only is this episode for students who are curious on how to gain a mentor, but it is also for anyone who wants to know the impact a mentor can have on their mentee. This episode will leave you educated on the benefits of having a mentor and being one, and you will become inspired to help guide others in their journey through life.

Stay tuned on the last Wednesday of every month for the latest installment of Education Chat!


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Education Chat tells the stories of students in the Inland Empire by cultivating meaningful discussions about lived experiences, successes, and opportunities for growth. Join GIA Intern Natalie Hinton as she engages in candid conversations with students throughout the region. The show is produced by Growing Inland Achievement, a collective impact organization in the Inland Empire with a mission to increase economic prosperity in the region by increasing educational attainment. 

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