Growing Inland Achievement (GIA) supports local students and families in navigating college financial aid applications with online office hours, outreach campaigns, and a new resource website,

Yajahira Young Tafolla pictured filling out online financial aid forms at her home in Pomona, CA.
Yajahira Young Tafolla, a 24-year-old from Pomona, CA, is the first in her family to attend college. Like many students, she relies on financial aid to fund her education. This year, however, she faced unique challenges in completing her financial aid application due to delays and complications with the online form. Yajahira received support and guidance by attending GIA’s online office hours and an in-person Cash for College workshop at California State University, San Bernardino, which helped her successfully navigate the financial aid process and submit her application.
This year has been particularly challenging for students like Yajahira. The FAFSA Simplification Act, part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, aimed to make federal student aid more accessible by streamlining the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form and expanding Pell Grant eligibility. However, the rollout of the new form has been fraught with delays and technical issues. As of July 5, 2024, the Inland Empire has seen 4,752 fewer FAFSA submissions compared to the same time last year, representing a 12.1% decrease, according to NCAN’s FAFSA Tracker.
In response to challenges and decreases in application numbers nationwide, the U.S. Department of Education launched a national effort to promote financial aid, encouraging students to apply for billions of available funds. Students interested in attending a California Community College have until September 3, 2024, to apply for funding to help cover their higher education costs for the 2024-2025 academic year.
“The completion of financial aid applications is a critical leading indicator of college enrollment,” said Ann Marie Sakrekoff, COO of GIA. “As more students complete financial aid applications, we also see more students enrolling in postsecondary education. This is particularly important for the Inland Empire, where the community has established a vision of increasing equitable educational attainment to fuel local prosperity and regional economic success.”
As the Cash4College (C4C) Regional Coordinating Organization for the Inland Empire, GIA supports hundreds of financial aid workshops annually, offers live support through free online office hours, and promotes awareness of financial assistance through communication outreach campaigns. A recent $234,840 award from the Educational Credit Management Corporation has enabled GIA to accelerate these efforts through August 31, 2024.
“We’re currently hosting live office hours for support, running several digital campaigns, and publishing website resources in multiple languages to help inform Inland Empire students and families of financial aid opportunities,” said Jake Poore, GIA Director of Communications. “GIA recently launched, a website offering resources for college education exploration. This platform includes step-by-step guides for financial aid applications, a directory of Inland Empire colleges, and tips and tools for choosing and succeeding in college.”
“When the community works together to provide the right resources and guidance for students, we can make a dramatic difference in their access to college,” Added Sakrekoff. “We are grateful for all our regional partners working collaboratively across sectors to support student success. Together, we can make a real difference for students like Yajahira in achieving their educational and career goals.”
For more information about GIA, visit
For more information about Inland Empire college and financial aid resources, visit
About Growing Inland Achievement (GIA)
Growing Inland Achievement is a regional K-16 collaborative organization focused on improving educational and economic outcomes in the Inland Empire. Through collaboration with various regional stakeholders, GIA aims to create a thriving community where all residents can access quality education and economic opportunities.